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​Kasi encourages a community of businesswomen and entrepreneurs to give God full authority to use their purpose as a vessel for the Kingdom. By using the word of God as her platform, Kasi's prayer journals and published books offer instrumental guidance in any entrepreneurial venture.

Meet Kasi

Hey Love !

 Kasi Founded  "The Tattooed Christian" in 2019. She Loves the Lord and It Brings her great Joy Sharing how she puts Biblical principles in Everyday life on her Podcast. Kasi encourages a community of businesswomen and entrepreneurs to give God full authority to use their purpose as a vessel for the Kingdom. By using the word of God as her platform, Kasi's prayer journals and published books offer instrumental guidance in any entrepreneurial venture. She believes that her Faith and passion will bless the lives of so many of Gods Children.

 Her Story is a true representation that God can use any one.
The Tattooed Christian is a place of Creativity, Motivation, Healing, Testimonies, and inspiration.
 We welcome you to look through the site, to see how your life can be positively impacted.
"For Many are called, but few are chosen." Matthew 22:14

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Get the Free "5 Prompts to Awaken Her Guide". I've outlined a few points on how to awaken your Feminine Energy .

Become Her Sis!


The Tattooed Christian 


Check Out The Original 
"The Tattooed Christian" T-shirt



Have you been looked at differently in your life all because of your Tattoos?


The looks you get when you proclaim you are a follower of Jesus Christ. 


Even the looks you get when you proclaim he is your Lord and Savior.


Why do we get the stares when we say we follow God but our skin is marked with Art?  Why can't you be a Tattooed Christian and still know & Love the Lord? You can!


God still loves us despite our flaws. When I look in the mirror, I don’t see my tattoo's nor do I see my imperfections. I see a story, I see the daughter God Created me to be!  


If that Sounds like you or someone you may know then this shirt is just for you.


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"Leadership is inherent in our nature and is fundamental to our origins, our human makeup –and our destiny.”

Myles Monroe

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